Time: 8hrs
Type: Classroom & Range Time
Tuition: $125, lunch provided
Prerequisites: none

Required Gear:
Pistol or Revolver (provided if you do not yet own a firearm)
100 rounds of factory ammo (provided if you do not yet own a firearm)
Holster (helpful, but not required)
Eye & Ear Pro

Not sure you have what you need? Check our Approved Gear List

This is the Basic Pistol course geared toward female students who are looking for a more relaxed training environment. Our course commitment is to have you enjoy the shooting sports while learning responsible firearm handling and safety. This course is for women of any responsible age.

Girls With Guns includes traditional classroom instruction and range drills. Course topics include: gun safety rules, handgun operation, ammunition knowledge and selection, pistol selection and storage, shooting fundamentals, pistol inspection and maintenance, marksmanship, and range safety. Completion of this course will qualify you for Tier 2 courses.