Time: 2hrs
Type: Range Time
Tuition: $100
Prerequisites: Basic Pistol or equivalent

Required Gear:
Handgun (semi auto or revolver)
120 rounds of factory ammo
Handheld or weapon-mounted flashlight
Approved Holster
Sturdy belt
Eye & Ear Pro

Not sure you have what you need? Check our Approved Gear List

The RFTC Low Light Pistol course is an intermediate level course for students who are proficient marksmen with a handgun. RFTC LLP will introduce and develop shooting ability in low light situations. The student will learn techniques to better shoot in minimal light or using lighting aides (hand held flashlight, weapon mounted light, weapon mounted lasers and night sights) to create tactical defensive lighting in addition to developing their shooting skills. This class will present students with challenges in concealed carry environments and home defense situations.